Llamado a presentar resúmenes, Congreso Internacional de la Red SIAL, Estocolmo
Fechas Límites:
Envío de Abstracts: 15 de Enero de 2016
Envío de trabajos completos: 30 de marzo
Ejes Temáticos
Entrepreneurship and Innovative Glocal Solutions for New Ruralities Convenor: MalinGawell, Associated Professor, Södertörn University
Private enterprises, cooperatives, associations and/or public initiatives have through out time provided innovative solutions for rural, and other, contexts. We currently see how information technology, innovative partnerships and last but not least creativity among people, is used to respond to urgent and at times increasing challenges – many times combines with an increased interest in developing sustainable solutions. Entrepreneurship, in any of its many forms, is often ascribed amazing properties. In this session we will explore, problematize and critically reflect on potentials and limitations of entrepreneurship in rural development – in theory and practice.
Territorial governance and innovation in Local Agro-food Systems
Convenors: Javier SanzCañada, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales and Giovanni Belletti, University of Florence.
This session deals with territorial governance and innovation processes at organizational, technological, quality, marketing and public policy levels:
- Organizational proximity and territorial governance. Cooperationamong economic, social and institutional stakeholders.
- Innovative environments -networks of farmers, enterprises and institutions-and management of territorial externalities.
- Local dissemination and adoption of innovations and knowledge. Local collective learning processes. Local know-how and scientific knowledge.
- Vertical and horizontal coordination among economic agents associated to the management of quality.
- Innovative approaches to rural and sectoral policies at regional and local level: rural development plans,EU LEADER initiatives,territorial integrated policies…
- Local associations, cooperatives and mutualisation processes: collective input-supplying, financing, processing and collective marketing initiatives for local foods.
- Innovations for linking local agro-food systems, natural and cultural heritage, gastronomy and tourism.
Short food chains and SIAL
Convenors: Sarah Bowen, North Carolina State University and Mario Pensado, Redsial Americana.
Understanding local (o localized) food systems as an alternative to the globalization and industrialization of the food system, many scholars within this tradition have focused on the ‘‘embeddedness’’ of local food systems and the ways in which they convey values such as care, community, and stewardship (Kloppenburg et al. 1996; Hendrickson and Heffernan 2002; Hinrichs 2000). However, many of these understandings of locality emphasize spatial proximity, social ties, and interaction in ways that are not necessarily tied to the particularities of the environmental and social histories of the places in which they are embedded.
The main issues contemplated in this session are:
1. Short food chains and Globalization: approaches, concepts and relationships with local food systems.
2. Short food chains and territorial cultural identity and relationship with local food systems. (territorial anchoring)
3. Short food chains and changes over trends of retail consumer.
4. Relations of Short food chains and Local food systems over questions of race, class, gender.
5. Stakeholders and labor process within Local food systems (farmworkers, farmers, producers, retailers, consumers and others (consumer groups; producer´s markets; urban agriculture)
6. Short food chains and environmental matters [human health concerns, good environmental practices and sustainable use]
Rural tourism, heritage and regional transformationsConvenors: SaeidAbbasian, saeid.abbasian@sh.seand Christian Widholm,Christian.widholm@sh.se Tourism Studies, Södertörn University
During the last three decades, in the wake of the Cold War, de-industrialization and globalization, the discourse of heritage has been widely usedto both formulate visions for a brighter future and to create new tourist attractions. As a respond to regional transformations supranational, national and regional officialshave used the heritage discourse, along with entrepreneurs, as one of the main cures for various challenges in rural regions, where heritage as a concept grasps antiquities, culinary heritage and various types of landscapes. At present date, however, the field of heritage research (e.g. FeldmannEellend 2013 and During 2010) indicates that the grandiose hopes on heritage tourism have only been fulfilled to a minor extent. Thus there seem to be an awkward gap between the rhetoric of heritage and the spin-offs of the practice of heritage tourism. The latter can be exemplified through experiences from the Baltic rim, where industrial landscapes and fortifications can successfully be transformed into “industrial cool” and “military chic”. But e.g. polluted food chains (e.g. the Baltic Sea) and “ugly” traces from the Cold War (e.g. Soviet bunkers in Estonia) results in heritage tourism enterprises that often seem more visionary than realistic.This session welcomes papers which empirically or theoretically contributes to the understandingof heritage tourism in rural areas in Europe.
Local food, institutional customers and public food procurement
Convenor: HelmiRisku-Norja, Natural Resources Institute Finland, helmi.risku-norja@luke.fi
part of a wider concern with sustainability issues, throughout Europe there is
increasing interest in alternative food supply chains. The proponents have stressed environmental benefits, positive impacts on
regional economy and on the SMEs as well as the health and nutritional value of
high quality fresh food. In recent years, the issues of social
sustainability have also been acknowledged in
justifying the use of local food. Attention is paid to food culture,
food security and food sovereignty as well as to local partnership and community awareness brought about by re-localizing
food production and consumption. Provision of this food may be
accompanied by food education to promote awareness on healthy and sustainable
food, both among the large public as part of informal citizen education as well
as among the children and young within the formal education system.
Local and organic foodhave gradually gained
ground also within public institutional customers, the nurseries, schools, hospitals and elderly
care facilities, military and the prisons. The local food initiatives in the
context of public catering across Europe feature especially school food
programs. Because of the wide variation among the schooling systems and school catering policies, within the EUthere is no
uniform school food policy. However,the public food procurementsare constrained
by the legal framework
of the EU law on public procurement, and the solutions used in tendering
process may be transferable across national the borders.
local foodis fairly loose and it enables many interpretations. Among them two main lines can be identified. One
stresses the spatial closeness of food production and consumption and
strengthening the relationship between producers and consumers (“local
food”), whereas ‘‘locality food’’
represents products, the value
added of which is based on geographic
origin or traditional way of production. These are often niche products
targeted for specific consumers, who may be very far from the site of
The focus in this workshop is on
institutional customers and onlocal food, i.e. on those locally produced basic
food items, the use of which is feasible within the public catering systems.
The exclusive locality food products are not considered. The aimis to
disseminate knowledge regarding the policies and practices which are effective
for institutional consumers in increasing their usage of local food. The workshop will examine the public food procurement for catering
services, the tendering process and the drivers and bottle necks in using local
food. Also the significance of the institutional customers for smallsuppliers in
theirstrivings to gain foothold in the highly competitive food markets are
workshop will invite oral presentations dealing with public procurement
policies and practices, including case studies.
Speakers will have fifteen minutes to give a presentation, followed by
ten minutes of discussion after each paper. The interactivity of the session is
encouraged by an invited comment to the topic of each presentation.
Issues considered will include:
· Long term strategies for developing public catering based on short food supply chains
· Tendering process – seeking the most economically advantageous tenders
· Significance of the institutional customers for the SMEs
· Food education via public catering
· Community involvement, issues of food culture, food security and sovereignty, community involvement
· Case studies on institutional customers and their use of local food
Knowledge and knowledge transfer, inter-activity, connectivity, value creation and co-creation and new forms and arenas for interaction in the new rurality.
Convenors Lars Degerstedt, Södertörn University, lars.degerstedt@sh.seand Marcello De Rosa University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, mderosa@unitas.it
Knowledge and innovation networks as tools to support connectivity and value creation in modern rurality have been emphasised in recent EU rural development policies, which explicitly recognise that knowledge, skills and innovation are the indispensable foundation of sustainable development. One example is the development of new forms of interaction and value creation emerged as the result of the internet and the techniques that follow with it.
Under the Syal perspective, this implies the recognition of the territorial dimension of knowledge transfer and innovation: due to the high variety of rural development models, this entails problems of “coherence and pertinence” of knowledge transfer and innovation adoption, but also the emergence of new forms of sharing, peering, and consumers value co-creation, for example. crowd-funding, community supported agriculture, consumer’s co-production and re-production of agro-food products and related services.
The aim of this session is to shed light on the role of knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and value co-creation as an engine of rural development.
Gender, Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development in the New Rurality.
Convenor: Ursula Hård, Dept. Of Economic History, Stockholm University, ursula.hard@ekohist.su.se
The current session welcomes scholars studying a variety of topics under the wide umbrella of; gender, institutions, entrepreneurship, agriculture, food, time, space, mobility, innovation, production, markets, branding, distribution, co-operation, knowledge production, tourism, health, sustainable and regional development in the new rurality/ies.
In many countries, large scale production within for example the food businesses has long been dominant. This means that institutional conditions, both formal (laws, regulations) and informal (norms, values), have influenced the perception of businesses and operations. In the wake of this large-scale dominance, production has fallen ever further away from the consumers, which in turn has led to, among other things, various forms of so-called food scares. This, together with changes in the labour market and conditions for livelihood in rural areas, have led to an increased focus from both the EU, structural funds, government agencies, non-governmental organisations as well as business owners andentrepreneurs; towards a more small scale and regionally and locally based agriculture and farming.
The small scale business requires, however, changes in institutional terms. This means that it calls for new laws, conditions, approaches and forms of cooperation. This applies to both transnational as well as national and regional and local authorities, non-governmental organisations,business owners and entrepreneurs. Collective learning processes and innovations have prominent roles here. Further important issues/areas may be; niche businesses, marketing, building brands with regional/local background, tourism, gastronomy, distribution. New or reinvention of small-scale production areas also include a gender aspect. For instance milk and cheese production have in most countries historically been defined as something women have been prominent but often made invisible within, which, among other things, are due to ownership where not seldom the man is registered as the sole owner. This, together with the fact that men today are entering for example dairy and cheese production, can mean both changing as well as recreated gender relations in the new rurality/ies.
Biowaste management: key factor for resilient and sustainable localized agri-food systems
Covenors: Franco Llobera (Red Terrae and Uniposible Madrid), Marian Simon Rojo (Technical University of Madrid - Surcos Urbanos)
The goal of this session is to address this critical issue, and we welcome contributions that cover:
- Public policies and the implementation of innovative/improved management systems, including critical issues like waste urban water and considering human manure as an integral biomass for agro-system
- Strategies to change consumers' behavior, breaking down mental barriers to reduce food waste, but also to see waste, urine... as a resource
- Integration of local farms in streamlining material flows from cities
- Environmental indicators about resource efficiency and green accounting
- Technological innovations or adaptations to local conditions, at different scales
- Impact on the local economy
Inter-activity, connectivity, value co-creation and new forms and arenas for interaction in the new rurality.
Convenor Lars Degerstedt, Södertörn University, lars.degerstedt@sh.se
Today new forms of interaction and value creation emerged as the result of the internet and the techniques that follow with it. This is of course a reflection of contemporary economic development and has an in depth impact in all of society. Within the frame of rural and agricultural spaces, some examples of these new phenomenon are crowd-funding of food artisans, community supported agriculture, consumer’s co-production and re-production of agro-food products and related services. The aim of the session is to highlight and conceptualize this phenomenon within the frame of relevant theoretical frames.
The new rurality in
the Baltic and Eastern European countries in turbulent times.
Convenors: Dominique
Barjolle and Paulina Rytkönen
While the potential challenges of agro-food globalization on the new
rurality are widely known, new threats, such as the upcoming North American and
European Trade Agreement, TTIP, the rising nationalism in Europe and the recent
Russian import prohibition of agro-food products from Europe and especially
from Baltic and Eastern European (BEE) countries are less known. As the new
rurality in general plays a key role in the livelihood strategies of farmers
and rural inhabitants in the BEE countries, increasing our knowledge of this
particular reality is important. In addition, most
previousresearchwithinthisfieldfocusesempirically on cases in countries like
France, Italy and Spain, but thereis an upcominginterest for
researchwithinthisfield in the Baltic and EasternEuropean countries,
thattodaylacks a meeting place.
General session on localized agri-food systems in a changing world.
Convenor: François Casabianca, INRA.
This general session on localized agri-food systems deals with a wide variety of topics such as:
· The potential of the SYAL approach to provide a vision of historical trajectories at local level
· Lock-in processes
· The analysis of territories and the localization (delocalization – relocalization) of activities
· The limits of supply chains approach.
· Innovation processes within SYAL situations, Knowledge systems and learning processes
· The role of territories as subsidiary level for Sustainable Development
· SYAL as its potential as social pillar for sustainable development.
· Technical and gastronomical cultures to be transmitted (how and by whom) to future generations.
· SYAL and solidarities in crisis time.